Monday, August 8, 2011

The Pizza Predicament

Last fall, a couple stopped me on the street in Bucktown and asked kindly, "We have a question for you. We're trying to figure out where to eat tonight. What's your favorite pizza place in Chicago?"

My response? "Well, that's kind of a loaded question..."
50 States, 50 Pizzas: Pequod's was highlighted
as one ofIllinois' best. Do you agree?

Did they want to eat several slices or one? Did they want to go out afterwards or immediately pass out in a pizza coma? How important was crust to them? Were they thinking classic toppings (pepperoni, mushroom, sausage) or did they want mozzarella di bufala, imported prosciutto and heirloom tomatoes?

I had so many questions.

People everywhere are passionate about pizza. Look no further than the Food Network's recent 50 States, 50 Pizzas feature to see that the nation's obsession with pizza knows no bounds. In Chicago, we're fortunate enough to have a wide of range regional favorites at our finger tips.

With so many options, how do you find your favorite, go-to, standby pizza? This is the pizza predicament, and it's a good problem to have. While the search continues for my go to, here are a few of my favorite, regionally-inspired and crave-worthy pizzas.

This is well worth the extra time on the treadmill.
Chicago: I admit to having a love-hate relationship with Chicago's revered deep dish. I love a good Lou Malnati's uncut pizza during a football game on a Sunday in November. I hate that I can't eat more than a slice or two without immediately feeling like I need to have my cholesterol checked and/or enroll myself into a weight-loss clinic. I love the butter crust and plum tomato sauce. I hate how my skinny jeans fit the next day. Is it worth it in the end? You bet it is.

New Haven: Modern Apizza and Pepe's in New Haven, Connecticut made this style of pizza legendary. As an East Coast native I was thrilled to see New Haven-style pizza at Piece when I first moved here five years ago. With its on-premise microbrewery and live band karaoke on Saturday nights,  Piece in many ways has an edge over the New Haven-based counterparts of my childhood. My favorite is eating the sausage, spinach and ricotta pizza while catching up on the Red Sox on one of Piece's many flat screens.

Quad Cities: I had my first encounter with Quad Cities pizza at Roots on Chicago Avenue in West Town a few weekends ago. I wasn't quite sure what to expect, but I was intrigued by Roots' famous malt crust and assortment of midwest microbrews. My IPA paired perfectly with the prosciutto, mushroom and mozzarella pizza, and the malt crust - with its chewy consistency and slight touch of sweetness - countered the mild heat in the sauce. Other than Pequod's burnt, buttery pan pizza crust, I can't think of another crust that has made an impression on me quite like Roots.

Proof that God loves cheese: mozzarella di bufala campana 
Naples: Anthony Bourdain's recent No Reservations episode on Naples left me craving authentic, brick oven pizza.  Thankfully, I didn't have to look much farther than La Madia in River North to meet this craving. The large brick oven at the heart of the open kitchen and brings a warmth (both literally and figuratively) to the restaurant. Its margherita (mozzarella di bufala campana, tomato, torn basil), Parma classic (mozzarella, tomato sauce, prosciutto di Parma, arugula), taleggio with three-hour roasted grapes and housemade fennel sausage and sweet onion pizzas are all standouts (as is La Madia's pizza fondue).

Whether you're needing greasy salvation after a late Saturday night or looking for a thin brick oven pizza, the options are endless. The pizza predicament is a delicious problem to have, especially in a place like Chicago. The best part? I've barely even scratched the surface here. What have I missed? Leave a comment and let me know.


  1. Tough decision on the best pizza, Bocce's in Buffalo,NY, then I have to say Pepe's in New Haven, CT

  2. Between Pepe's and Modern, I think I'd have to go with Modern! I'm usually eating wings and Ted's Hot Dogs when I'm in Buffalo...
